Ares Games will be back to UK Games Expo this year (June 3-5, Birmingham, stand 1-302/1-305), with their latest releases – The Thing: The Board Game and Quartermaster General: 1914. After two years not at the show, Ares will also bring the last Kickstarter copies of Sword & Sorcery Ancient Chronicles, a host of recent releases, and their “evergreen” lines, War of the Ring and Wings …
Xplored, creators of Teburu, unveiled additional details about their plans for the development of a new Sword & Sorcery-based game playable on the Teburu system, in the latest update to their Kickstarter project. The Italian-based tech company is crowdfunding The Bad Karmas – the first game using their revolutionary tabletop gaming platform. The Kickstarter campaign is its final week and it has already surpassed its funding …
The upcoming Witch-king Edition Card Box. The War of the Ring section is updated with a new accessory coming in July 2022: the War of the Ring Card Box and Sleeves – Witch-king Edition. This new product in the Card Box series features the Witch-king of Angmar and the symbol of the Shadow Armies. The War of the Ring Card Box and Sleeves is the perfect …
Dacia and Thracia: setting module about two border provinces, full of mysteries and secrets The Roleplaying Games section is updated with two new volumes for Lex Arcana RPG, the roleplaying game with a unique setting merging history, mythology and the legends of Ancient Rome: the geographical sourcebooks Dacia and Thracia and Italia, due to release in June 2022. In the two volumes, players will find detailed …
Galakta Games section is updated with the upcoming sci-fi deck-building and strategic game The Shadow Planet: The Board Game. The game was successfully funded on Kickstarter in May 2021, and is expected to release to retail in July 2022, with English edition distributed by Ares Games in North America and other countries outside Europe. The Shadow Planet: a retro sci-fi board game based in an Italian …
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