War of the Ring Strategy 101 – (5) The Hunt for the Ring

War of the Ring is very much a game about choices and at its core is the choice of which path to take in your endeavor to defeat the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. The most obvious strategy for the Shadow player is to try to crush the enemy Armies and capture the Settlements of the Free Peoples. However, if the One Ring manages to corrupt the Ring-bearers, you will be assured of the same result. With two very different paths to victory, it is a good thing that in War of the Ring the two ways are entwined from beginning to end.
If you neglect the Hunt for the Ring you will risk losing as Frodo strolls up the slopes of Mount Doom and destroys your precious Ring forever. However, focusing entirely on the Hunt is not a solid strategy on its own as you leave too much outside your control. You see hunting for the Ring is still dependent on the Free Peoples player actually moving the Fellowship when you have set up all those dice in the Hunt box and placed your Armies and Nazgûl for those helpful re-rolls.
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