Almost 50 Ares Games events are scheduled to take place at the next edition of the Origins show, next June (June 13-17, in Columbus, OH). In addition to the record-breaker events of Wings of Glory WW1 and WW2 and Sails of Glory, many other events are scheduled for these three games, and also for Galaxy Defenders and Sword & Sorcery, at Origins Game Fair 2018. Thanks …
The Galaxy Defenders Rulebook and Storybook have been updated with the new 1.5 Optional rules. The new enhancements will make the game experience faster and more dynamic, and with the possibility to turn off the Player Elimination System. The revised chapters in these updates files are the following: Rulebook Galaxy Defenders (English Rulebook v.1.5) (9897 downloads ) Page 12, 6.2.1 Page 12, 6.2.2 Page 16 Page …
The Galaxy Defenders section is now updated with a new expansion for the game to be released this Summer: Final Countdown allows to boost the game with three powerful new agents to expand the GD agency’s army – Scandium, Xeno-Warrior and Vanadium. Final Countdown, new Galaxy Defenders expansion. The expansion also includes new Doors and Windows Stand–up tokens, to take the battlefield to the third dimension, …
Ares Games will host 12 events at Gen Con Indy 2016 (August 4-7, Indianapolis) for Galaxy Defenders, Sails of Glory and WW1 and WW2 Wings of Glory, and players attending the show are invited to get the tickets soon – two events are already sold out. Two of the three events of Galaxy Defenders are still open, on Thursday, 4th, at 13:00, and on Saturday, 5th, …
Elite Alien Legion and 5th Column, two new expansions for Galaxy Defenders, are now shipping to distributors and will start to hit US stores on February, 29th. They will be available in other countries in the following weeks. Elite Alien Legion features 20 Alien figures in their most powerful version, to be fully integrated with the Galaxy Defenders Starter Set and its main expansions Operation Strikeback …
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