Welcome back to Discovering Alone. In the previous articles, we introduced the game and described its background story. Now, let’s learn more about the game’s development, by (who can tell this story better) the game designers Andrea Crespi and Lorenzo Silva!. Andrea Crespi (AC): The development of Alone has been long and difficult. We knew that when we started working on it of course, since it …
Welcome back to Discovering Alone. Following the overview of the game, let’s explore its background story. Alone is set in a not so distant future. After the discovery of the “ORCS” space-contraction technology in the 23rd century (roughly 200 years before the events narrated in the game), humanity has been increasingly colonizing new planets around the galaxy. In Alone, interstellar ships travel using the “ORCS” space-contraction …
Welcome to Discovering Alone*! In this series of articles, let’s take a more in-depth look at Alone, the science-fiction survival horror game designed by Andrea Crespi and Lorenzo Silva, and published by Horrible Guild. This first article presents an overview of the game, and following we will learn more about its setting, gameplay, and behind the scenes information from the game designers and the artist, Steve …
Here you find the three rulebooks of the science-fiction survival horror/ dungeon crawler game Alone. The Intro Rulebook, to be read first, presents the game components, the setup, and an overview of the gameplay. The other two booklets present the rules for the different sides: the Hero Compendium for the Hero player, and the Evil Compendium for the Evil players. Alone – Intro Rulebook (English) (4907 …
Ares Games announces a partnership with Horrible Guild Game Studio to distribute the English edition of the sci-fi survival horror dungeon crawler Alone in the United States and non-European countries, after the Kickstarter fulfillment is completed. Alone is due to release in June 2020, alongside three expansions for different gameplay styles – Alpha, Deep and Avatar. Alone: a sci-fi survival dungeon crawler. In Alone, a castaway …
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