During the Ludica Roma game show (November 23-25th, Rome, Italy), the booth of Red Glove – Ares Games’ distribution partner in Italy - was the hub of a lot of Wings of Glory activities.

Red Glove promoted non-stop demos during the three days of event and hosted at the booth an exhibit with the history of the game and a meeting with the author Andrea Angiolino, followed by a game session with him on Sunday - both organized by Reindeer Corporation. During the challenge with the author, the convention attendees had the chance to be the first gamers to play with the upcoming Wings of Glory Game Mats.

Wings of Glory exhibit at Ludica Roma 2012

The exhibit dedicated to the game included the very first prototype of the game, with the handmade cards used to test the game more than 10 years ago; several prototypes that followed it along the years; its first edition, published in 2004; and other sets and expansions, up to the latest Wings of Glory products – the latest releases and a preview of some upcoming items.

On Sunday 25th, the Red Glove booth hosted a meeting with Angiolino. He talked about the game, explained the rules and then took part to an intro game using the miniatures of the "early warbirds" – Fokker E.III, Halberstadt D.III, Morane Saulnier Type N, and AirCo DH.2, which ended with the victory of the German pilots.

A battle with the upcoming game mats

Ludica Roma was visited by more than 15,000 people in three days, including many families, and a lot of newcomers to the gaming world had a chance to play Wings of Glory. Besides the demos at Red Glove, the game was also played in the area of the “Tana dei Goblins” game club.

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