Barbarian Kingdoms is now available, and for players curious to learn more about the game, we re-post here its Designer’s Diary, by Christophe Lebrun, originally posted on BoardGameGeek News, on July 27th: “Gold is the lifeblood of the war!” As the Hun horde swept across Europe, the Germanic tribes moved within the borders of the Western Empire, ultimately causing its collapse. In the twilight of antiquity …
Ares Games just returned from Gen Con 2024, a record-breaking event with over 71,000 attendees. The outcome was incredibly positive: during the “best four days in gaming” our demo tables and event tables were always full. Players were excited to discover for the first time our upcoming Altay – Dawn of Civilization. The first copies of War of the Ring The Card Game – Fire and …
Barbarian Kingdoms, the strategy board game designed by Christophe Lebrun and published by Jester Games, is about to reach the shelves. The English version, distributed by Ares Games, will start to be in US stores from July 15th. Learn more about the game in this article, originally published by Game Trade Magazine, issue 292 (June 2024). In the 5th century AD, the Huns swept into Europe …
Download the English rulebook of Barbarian Kingdoms, an asymmetrical and competitive strategy game set in the tumultuous era of the fall of the Roman Empire, meticulously crafted by Christophe Lebrun and published by Jester Games. The game’s page is also update with the official rules video. Barbarian Kingdoms (English rulebook) (509 downloads )
As the Western Roman Empire faces its twilight, emerging kingdoms embark on an unrelenting quest for supremacy over Western Europe, while the Hun horde sweeps across the continent. Enter the world of Barbarian Kingdoms, an asymmetrical and competitive strategy game designed by Christophe Lebrun and published by Jester Games, a new French board game publisher. Barbarian Kingdoms was successfully funded on Gamefound in October 2022, and …
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