Ares Games and Gremlins Project launched a contest on to support the Galaxy Defenders Season 2 ("The Earth Strikes Back!" Kickstarter campaign).

BGG members will have the opportunity to win the same rewards as an Earth-level backer of the campaign: One copy of the two new expansions, together with two Kickstarter-exclusive figures and the stretch goal rewards of the “Earth”-level backers (a $ 140 value).

In addition, the winners will also receive their choice of either one copy of the Core Set and Elite Alien Army Expansion, or the Add-ons and Stretch Goals reserved to the Moon Backers.

Winners already backing the campaign when the results of the contest are announced will be automatically upgraded to the Galaxy pledge level instead (including both the prizes above).

Join now by visiting the contest page on Boardgamegeek.

The contest ends on June, 15th.

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